682 posts 4,874 followers 378 following
dom   professional adventurer, unprofessional dog photographer

April 3, 2019

take your dog niece to work day

154      25

March 30, 2019

wake us up when it's the weekend again.

152      23

March 29, 2019

take nothing but memories, leave nothing but good vibes. llevarla suave, costa rica.

309      20

March 28, 2019

no air don't care

186      36

March 28, 2019

"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water." - Loren Eiseley

145      24

March 27, 2018

found my happy place

224      28

March 26, 2019

woke up this morning and found this weird dog chillin next to me

195      32

March 25, 2019

rowdy neighbors

89      4

March 15, 2019

dog on a ledge

112      16